Oho Vitamin E Gluta whitening Cream | Products | B Bazar | A Big Online Market Place and Reseller Platform in Bangladesh
<p><strong>Oho ALPHA ARBUTIN PEACH Whitening Body Cream 300g</strong><br />
Hydrating and nourishing body lotion for easily absorbed and lightweight moisture that helps protect skin from dryness. Skin stays extra hydrated. Enriched with <strong><em>Alpha Arbutin and Peach</em></strong> for instantly brighter skin. Leaves skin feeling softer, smoother, nourished and protected.<br />
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<strong>Oho HYA COLLAGEN Whitening Body Cream 300g</strong><br />
Hydrating and nourishing body lotion for easily absorbed and lightweight moisture that helps protect skin from dryness. Skin stays extra hydrated. Enriched with <em><strong>Hyaluric acid and Collagen</strong></em> for instantly brighter skin. Leaves skin feeling softer, smoother, nourished and protected.<br />
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<strong>Oho VITAMIN E GLUTA Whitening Body Cream 300g</strong><br />
Hydrating and nourishing body lotion for easily absorbed and lightweight moisture that helps protect skin from dryness. Skin stays extra hydrated. Enriched with <em><strong>Vitamin E and Glutathione</strong></em> for instantly brighter skin. Leaves skin feeling softer, smoother, nourished and protected.<br />
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How to Use: Gently apply to body twice a day after showering</p>
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